Featured Sessions

The sessions listed below are emblematic of the types of session that we want to encourage. Check them out and draw inspiration for your own session! Remember, sessions aren't limited to just "talks," it can be a presentation, panel or discussion group.

Want to give a featured session? Contact us!

Let's make a movie! Iman Zawahry

Come watch, listen, and discuss how the producer of the independent film Paperback, successfully made a movie in Gainesville on a shoestring budget.
Paperback - Official Trailer (2015)

Torso - Building On Backbone.js Kent Willis

Backbone.js is so simple and clean! But it also doesn't get you very far. Kent will introduce you to Torso, the library that gives you features comparable to Angular or Ember but is built on top of Backbone. Who wouldn't want the features but keep the simplicity?

Urban art in Gainesville and around the world Iryna Kanishcheva

Editor-in-Chief of gnvurbanart.com, the founder and curator of the 352walls/Gainesville Urban Art Initiative, Iryna Kanishcheva will be discussing urban art culture, its benefits, and its challenges.

Object Oriented Javascript John McFetridge

This class requires a prior knowledge of Object Orientated concepts like classes, we will see how many of the OO ideas can be implemented in Javascript. This is vital in building large scale javascript (70000 lines of code) that I have been working on for last 2 years. Not for the faint of heart.

The Last and Longest Mile of Grocery eCommerce Garret Manno

Only 2% of a 600 billion dollar grocery industry occurs through online channels. Why has the largest U.S. retail industry been so resistant to change while the rest of the world embraces the Internet of Things? Additionally, what is being done to disrupt the industry and create a new wave of convenience and efficiency when it comes to buying your groceries? Come find out!

Viz transformations with d3.js Pedro Diaz

D3.js is a powerful data visualization library created by Mike Bostock with a very specific purpose: to efficiently manipulates documents based on data. Over the past few years the library has significantly evolved to position itself as one of the most popular tools to visualize data. It's popularity can be directly attributed to the large community behind the project and the many creative examples that have come up since it was created.

In this talk, the speaker will give a brief overview of the library to describe what it is and what it is not. Using a realtime data stream he will demonstrate how to draw simple shapes, how to leverage the power of transitions and how to create different visualizations from the same data set. The demo will use an API to visualize the realtime edits of wikipedia and how the visualization can be used to see patterns in the data.

My Journey as a Scrum Coach/Consultant James Kies

Tales from the trenches. When Malcom Gladwell coined the phrase "people that are willing to be disagreeable", he was talking about me. Not argumentative, not (always) abrasive, but called from a young age to seek out leadership blind-spots, all forms of waste, misaligned energy and under/over optimized strategies and am happy to be the one in the middle of the room with all the fingers of disbelief pointed at me. I am okay being disagreeable because time and time and time and time again I get to see how quickly people start to get it when they are doing transformational sized work in their lives or in their world of work. But to have a transformational sized experiences there are subtle context shifts and belief shifts you have to know about or you will likely stay in your own way. Join me for a quick chat on some of what I see the most often, some funny, some sad, and all true!

Designing A Touchscreen Keyboard Layout Optimized For Swype Input Rylan Conway

The QWERTY keyboard was not designed with touchscreens in mind. In particular, with the rise of gesture based inputs like Swype and Swift Key the shortcomings of QWERTY have become even more pronounced. In this talk I'll go over my recent attempts with a colleague to algorithmically search for a keyboard layout that minimizes swipe input errors.

The Absolute Beginner's Checklist for Starting a Business David Nessl

30 minutes is not enough time to learn how to start a successful business, but we can list the things you need to learn ahead of time so you don't join the 50% of businesses that fail in the first 3 years because they were unprepared.

Creating a Company Culture to Attract and Keep Good People Eva Del Rio

What does it mean to work here? What are we in business for? Sooner or later you'll want to hire employees and a well defined company culture makes it easier for everyone (applicants, employees) to know what to expect. Join me for a talk and discussion about creating your company culture. For advice and tips check out my blog.

Building Creative Communities Bernard Marger, Takashi Wickes, Matt O'Hagan

It's not easy to build a maker culture from scratch. It takes dedication to those you are serving, passion for innovation, and intense personal sacrifice. You have to lead by example, create spaces in which your community can thrive, and ensure that the community you build lasts long after you're gone. Join the organizers of the two largest student-run hackathons in the state of Florida as they share stories, personal inspirations, and essential tips centered around building creative communities. Freestyle rap battles may replace the Q&A session.

Info Tech